James Gilliland of ECETI Interviews Jason Verbelli – Incredible Compilation of Info

James Gilliland of ECETI Interviews Jason Verbelli – Incredible Compilation of Info

Consciousness causes waves of energy, could thinking positively actually change the world at an atomic scale?
This video is two hours long and has new and updated information about energy technology and leading physics.

My two pence, I honestly think that gravity does not even exist, this is why we can’t find gravity waves, a graviton or measure it directly, I often wonder  if this dark matter even exists at all perhaps the curvature of space is all and gravity as we perceive it is simply a pseudo understanding, Newtonian in description.

Retrieved from NASA online: http://www.nasa.go...

Jason Verbelli Interviewed by Ben Lowrey – Magnetic Feng Shui and Creating Order from Chaos