A single Dad wrote why he joined The Money Free Party

I realised that the politics of today is based on simply blaming the other colour team for scoring own goals, and that what ever team scored the most own goals by making the most mistakes lost the election.The aim of the game with todays campaigns is to show the voter what the other team is doing wrong, blame game, just look at the local election leaflets coming through your door now from other parties and see for yourself without prejudice as I have done.

I wanted to enable my self to help my self and others, and now I can help others to do the same by becoming the local councillor for my community of Brookvale and Kings Furlong in Basingstoke, Hampshire and sharing my story.

After all how does blaming each other like children in a playground help the needy and vulnerable I pondered?

The winners did not necessarily represent the best education minister, health minister, or even have views based on the most vulnerable of society, or form any true basis or understanding of true equality, or so it would seem to me, how about you?

By default the team that got blamed the least, if the BBC Parliament channel is anything to go by, and by what is published in the press, would win at the POLLS…

Is it the same in your country?

I chose not to vote, but in doing this my voice was silenced, as is many others right now who choose to do the same and that number is increasing rapidly, but now we can change that.

Thankfully there is now an alternative with aims to work on energy self sustainability for this country, with technologies like renewable energies, hydroponic home grown foods, environmental education groups for children, junk drumming fun for families etc

With locally run small scale projects the UK can start to finally take care of its self, after all with the high prices of energies such as food, heating and electricity it’s mad to pollute our water by fracking and by increasing our prices even further by importing these resources we continue to participate in ever increasing and perpetual debt.

What we should be doing is working with each other locally to empower our selves in this country to evolve, why are we are allowing them to exploit the planet and our children’s health and safety?

Producing our own “energies, foods and power” in this ever more difficult world is imperative for the UK today just look at the flooding its getting worse every year, they do nothing because then in my opinion they can crash everything and bring about the single digital currency as all of the cash money will be washed away.

How could anyone disagree that there is nothing more important right now to the UK’s survival than energy independence as that is the first step to a sustainable self supporting United Kingdom, the flood water should be in our under ground water reserves not flooding our homes and streets causing massive debt to the government as insurance companies won’t be able to afford the payouts and who is going to take god to court for all the damage?

Therefore the government will have to borrow to fix it all and this is going to cost a lot and take years, but there is a better way, we will fix it our selves won’t we!

The last straw for me was when the late Margret Thatcher was buried for a cost of something like a million pounds sterling.

I remember her telling granny to knit some jumpers to keep warm during cuts when she was Prime Minister.

Then we have David Cameron cutting the cold weather payments for this year of the most vulnerable people in the UK, this is after they had advanced warning of the harsh weather conditions we are now facing this year 2014
A million pounds is a lot of vulnerable peoples cold weather payments.

Then off course the gagging order preventing people from speaking up about such topics a year before an election and this is in force from September 2014 if memory serves me correctly, as always double check your information via other sources as encouraged by us.

I didn’t get angry anymore and realised that by becoming a councillor for the Money Free Party – UK I could actually stop moaning to my mates down the pub about such issues and instead make the community a better place to live in

By enabling myself to help others help them selves, I’ve now converted that moaning energy I had built up due to the frustration of not knowing how I can help change the issues that effect my family and the community I live in, into positive action energy by finding other people with similar problems and together we as a community are doing something about it, as a councillor I can now do this and so can you in your area just ask us how?

You too yes, you as well, you are equal right? Contact us now and extend the friendship of equality to your neighbourhood.

I’m a single Dad with two kids and registered disabled and have been empowered by the freedom, have had releases of frustration now that the launch of the first ever, truly equality based political party now finally exists, and anyone can help out.

The Money Free Party has offered a solution to how we manage resources and energy on this planet equally so that everyone can have the same opportunities, not just the few, or the some.

That is why I joined and am running for election in May 2014 for MP so that I may represent other single parents, disabled and vulnerable peoples needs from a place of life experience and heart and not from the current MP’s place of statistics and cuts of crucial cold weather payments for vulnerable adults and families like my self and others whilst spending £90,000 in expenses doing so.

Real people producing real solutions to real problems.

Please feel free to enable your community today by standing up for your rights against oppression and inequality and bypassing the blame game of politics up till now by running as councillor in your area.

Thank you and heart felt gratitude to The Money Free party for honouring us this opportunity to help us help ourselves and others.

By Stuart Smith

Running for MP in Basingstoke, Hampshire (2015)

Running for Councillor of Brookvale and Kings Furlong as from May the 3rd 2014, Running for local elections May 22nd 2014.

My Children and I Thank you.

Photo: #freedom #moneyfreeparty #resourcebasedeconomy #rbe #thevenusproject #equality #voteforfreedom #voteforequality #voteforthemoneyfreeparty #anyonecanjoin #representyourself #enablement</p><br /><br />
<p>A single Dad wrote why he joined The Money Free Party.</p><br /><br />
<p>I realised that the politics of today is based on simply blaming the other colour team for scoring own goals, and that what ever team scored the most own goals by making the most mistakes lost the election.</p><br /><br />
<p>The aim of the game with todays campaigns is to show the voter what the other team is doing wrong, blame game, just look at the local election leaflets coming through your door now from other parties and see for yourself without prejudice as I have done.</p><br /><br />
<p>I wanted to enable my self to help my self and others, and now I can help others to do the same by becoming the local councillor for my community of Brookvale and Kings Furlong in Basingstoke, Hampshire and sharing my story.</p><br /><br />
<p>After all how does blaming each other like children in a playground help the needy and vulnerable I pondered?</p><br /><br />
<p>The winners did not necessarily represent the best education minister, health minister, or even have views based on the most vulnerable of society, or form any true basis or understanding of true equality, or so it would seem to me, how about you?</p><br /><br />
<p>By default the team that got blamed the least, if the BBC Parliament channel is anything to go by, and by what is published in the press, would win at the POLLS...</p><br /><br />
<p>Is it the same in your country?</p><br /><br />
<p>I chose not to vote, but in doing this my voice was silenced, as is many others right now who choose to do the same and that number is increasing rapidly, but now we can change that.</p><br /><br />
<p>Thankfully there is now an alternative with aims to work on energy self sustainability for this country, with technologies like renewable energies, hydroponic home grown foods, environmental education groups for children, junk drumming fun for families etc</p><br /><br />
<p>With locally run small scale projects the UK can start to finally take care of its self, after all with the high prices of energies such as food, heating and electricity it's mad to pollute our water by fracking and by increasing our prices even further by importing these resources we continue to participate in ever increasing and perpetual debt.</p><br /><br />
<p>What we should be doing is working with each other locally to empower our selves in this country to evolve, why are we are allowing them to exploit the planet and our children's health and safety?</p><br /><br />
<p>Producing our own "energies, foods and power" in this ever more difficult world is imperative for the UK today just look at the flooding its getting worse every year, they do nothing because then in my opinion they can crash everything and bring about the single digital currency as all of the cash money will be washed away.</p><br /><br />
<p>How could anyone disagree that there is nothing more important right now to the UK's survival than energy independence as that is the first step to a sustainable self supporting United Kingdom, the flood water should be in our under ground water reserves not flooding our homes and streets causing massive debt to the government as insurance companies won't be able to afford the payouts and who is going to take god to court for all the damage?</p><br /><br />
<p>Therefore the government will have to borrow to fix it all and this is going to cost a lot and take years, but there is a better way, we will fix it our selves won't we!</p><br /><br />
<p>The last straw for me was when the late Margret Thatcher was buried for a cost of something like a million pounds sterling.</p><br /><br />
<p>I remember her telling granny to knit some jumpers to keep warm during cuts when she was Prime Minister.</p><br /><br />
<p>Then we have David Cameron cutting the cold weather payments for this year of the most vulnerable people in the UK, this is after they had advanced warning of the harsh weather conditions we are now facing this year 2014<br /><br /><br />
A million pounds is a lot of vulnerable peoples cold weather payments.</p><br /><br />
<p>Then off course the gagging order preventing people from speaking up about such topics a year before an election and this is in force from September 2014 if memory serves me correctly, as always double check your information via other sources as encouraged by us.</p><br /><br />
<p>I didn't get angry anymore and realised that by becoming a councillor for the Money Free Party - UK I could actually stop moaning to my mates down the pub about such issues and instead make the community a better place to live in</p><br /><br />
<p>By enabling myself to help others help them selves, I've now converted that moaning energy I had built up due to the frustration of not knowing how I can help change the issues that effect my family and the community I live in, into positive action energy by finding other people with similar problems and together we as a community are doing something about it, as a councillor I can now do this and so can you in your area just ask us how?</p><br /><br />
<p>You too yes, you as well, you are equal right? Contact us now and extend the friendship of equality to your neighbourhood.</p><br /><br />
<p>I'm a single Dad with two kids and registered disabled and have been empowered by the freedom, have had releases of frustration now that the launch of the first ever, truly equality based political party now finally exists, and anyone can help out.</p><br /><br />
<p>The Money Free Party has offered a solution to how we manage resources and energy on this planet equally so that everyone can have the same opportunities, not just the few, or the some.</p><br /><br />
<p>That is why I joined and am running for election in May 2014 for MP so that I may represent other single parents, disabled and vulnerable peoples needs from a place of life experience and heart and not from the current MP's place of statistics and cuts of crucial cold weather payments for vulnerable adults and families like my self and others whilst spending £90,000 in expenses doing so.</p><br /><br />
<p>Real people producing real solutions to real problems.</p><br /><br />
<p>Please feel free to enable your community today by standing up for your rights against oppression and inequality and bypassing the blame game of politics up till now by running as councillor in your area.</p><br /><br />
<p>Thank you and heart felt gratitude to The Money Free party for honouring us this opportunity to help us help ourselves and others.</p><br /><br />
<p>By Stuart Smith</p><br /><br />
<p>Running for MP in Basingstoke, Hampshire.</p><br /><br />
<p>Councillor of Brookvale and Kings Furlong as from May the 3rd 2014, Running for local elections May 22nd 2014.</p><br /><br />
<p>My Children and I Thank you.

With whom does my heart beat

Heart beat


With whom does my heart beat.
Is it for you my dear?
Will you take care of it?
And always hold it near?
Can I be your pillow?
Will you be my bow?
For if it is love.
Then love will surly flow.
I’m stronger than tomorrow’s.
And wiser than today’s.
For you my love.
Have shown me.
Many thriving ways.
But are you in it for long run?
Or am I just some fun?
Coz I’m not a player.
That simply hits and runs!
Wife to be, I love thee.
Together we will grow.
Unless we trust, in just love.
We will never know.

By Stuart Smith 2013



Be a social butterfly, flow with life as it flutters by.
Enjoy the sharing, the joy, the laughter.
Increase your life, by being a part of.
New ideas, beliefs and ways.
God bless us all, what ever their race.

By Stuart Smith (2013)


Even a broken heart, can be broken

English: Broken Heart symbol


Even a broken heart, can be broken.
Snapped, like a violin string.
Played with a bow, without knowing.
The words of the song that it sings.
Romance is a word thats not dying.
For clearly I have felt it in my day.
Today I solve a mystery of the Universe.
That love isn’t always both ways.
But love always conquers all.
love always finds a way.
And having witnessed love once again.
I know in my heart it remains.

Stuart Smith 2013 





Mother Earth Dancing - Betty Newman-Maguire


© Stuart Smith 2013


I see a little butterfly

English: Butterfly, Vindula arsinoe. Français ...


I see a little butterfly, fluttering round and round.
Amazing was its colours, silent was its sound.
As it went this way, then it went that.
It was so peaceful at all of that.

It quickened, then slowed.
Haste most elegant it showed.
Like a magical acrobat.
It was so peaceful at all of that.

Then suddenly it flew right up in the sky.
Till hardly could see it with my naked eye.
Then before I could wonder why.
It was so peaceful at all of that.

By Stuart Smith 2013




Another night walking the streets

Belle Isle Conservatory - Detroit, MI

It was 3am again, he awoke in a cold sweat, another nightmare.
The pain in his chest from the heart break never seemed to subside, in fact every night the pain grew stronger.

As his chest tightened, he clutched and gasped as his eyes opened as wide as the sky. It had been a very long time since she had hurt him, yet as each drop of forgiveness fell as tears from his swollen eyes, he knew that only love was the answer and although he had found it in himself he yearned to feel the closeness of a love once past yet never forgotten, he knew that this pain was there to assist him to find his duality and make him grow stronger.

He dressed hastily, still sweating he wipes the tears from his brow, sighs and heads downstairs to walk the walk of solitude that only the night can bring.

Many a night he walks the streets, solum in his slumber, with his head facing the wet pavement he kicks stones as his feet scrape the tarmac, in a lethargic trance, he stumbles pacing slowly with no sense of direction he crawls along the streets once again.

Many hours pass, many footsteps trodden, he walks, he cries, he rips the hair from his head.
As each strand of hair falls in slow motion to the floor, they meet the tears in a dance of quite contemplation.

He knows not where he’s going, he knows not the direction that the wind blows, yet despite the unknown he knows that a new love is on the horizon, he takes comfort in the joy it has brought him thus far as she is the most precious gem he had ever felt, not just in his heart but right to his very soul he knows she is an angel of the light inside and out and that he will always love her even if only from a distance.

He smiles in remembrance of the many times his new love had given him the joy of her company. The joy and love this being of light had freely given him was worth all the previous pain he had endured.

As he wipes away his tears and thinks just of her loving smile, he knows peace in his heart as he has found true love, meaningful love, not just of pleasures of the flesh, as of yet they had not shared their souls and become one physically, but a universal love, that they where connected across time and space and had spent many lives together, they would always find each other, despite his yearning just to hold her, he patiently awaits the day she calls him to her.

This mattered not to him, it didn’t even matter if in this life she wasn’t with him romantically for he was happy just to have found her once again and knew they’d be together once again one day.

It was at this moment the pain from the torturous happenings that had weakened his resolve lifted from his heart and although she may never be by his side, as his lover, his wife, he knew that she would always love him for it was not a new love, but a love that spanned the ages, a love that could not die, for she was a rose in full bloom and he marvelled at her beauty.

Te quiero mucho mi amore.

By Stuart Smith 2013